Friday, October 12, 2012

Photos and Clothes

I have a living social deal coming out in a couple of weeks which means I am going to seriously need to streamline my photo sessions.  One thing I absolutely need to do is write up a guide for my clients about what to wear.

And here it is, the family edition.

1. Choose several outfits.  Bring them with you.

  • Something casual and neutralish.  Wear something that you normally do. Jeans and a T-shirt? Perfect.  Stay away from anything with words or images on it.  Especially on children's clothing.  I promise, in 15 years you will love the picture much more if it doesn't have Thomas the Tank Engine or a sassy phrase.  Stay away from bright bright colors.  I'm not saying everyone should wear matching khakis and white polos, and actually, DONT do that- but baby blue looks much better in photos than hot pink. Promise. 
  • Something dressy.  Again, that doesn't mean 6 inch stiletto heals.  A nice timeless dress. A button down shirt.  The look to go for is classic.  I would again recommend muted colors but more on that later.   
  •  Something fun and trendy.   In twenty years those turquoise skinny jeans might look like those floral shoulder padded dresses.  However, I think that a few pictures should be fun or trendy.  Go ahead, bust out that front mini skirt that is floor length in the back.  Hats with animal faces on them. Cowboy hats. Something hot pink and sassy.  Here is the time to bust out the neon. 
2. Colors
  • Some photographers will tell you to wear bright colors.  I will not.  I want to capture your story, your family, and your personalities - not your clothes.  Colors that compliment your family and not overwhelm them.  I would avoid hot pinks, reds, too much white, and anything in neon.  All black can also get funky and unflattering. 
3. Cut and flatter
  • Think timeless.  What looks good in a mirror will not necessarily look good in a photo.  You want your clothes to be fitted.  An oversized shirt or dress will make you look frumpy.  Dresses and shirts that are waisted generally photograph nicely.  Nothing too tight.  If you are sucking in your breath the entire time the photos will turn out awkward.  Always.  
  • If you are uncomfortable with what you are wearing it will show!

So, this is my standard.  I think I'm going to have to change the wording around to make it a little bit more professional.  

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